Thursday, 28 April 2011

The Unintentional El Salvador


Literally so behind on this blogging lark....oh well!! Better late than never!!!

So we left Peru and flew via Colombia to El Salvador!! We wanted to fly into Guatemala but you get so rinsed for those flights so El Salvador was the nearest place!! We werent going to stay there...but we thought why not head to the coast for 4 or 5 days for some much needed beach time and for a rest after the Inca Trail!

We went to this cool little village on the coast called Playa El Zonte which was about half an hour from the really popular surf spot Playa El Tunco...

The whole coast is a surfing mecca...the closest we got to surfing was farting around on some body boards one cool....

We were only meant to stay there a few days but for the second time of the trip I ( per) got ill....and had the most horrendous experience of my life in the doctors which involved me being injected with a huge needle with some unknown liquid and then screaming at the top of my lungs and scaring everyone in the surgery including the doctor!!

The place we stayed in Zonte was amazing...right on the beach front..own amazing people!! Pete and Lauren to be specific!! There is not really much to report from there except we were roped in by these idiotic Israeli guys to go to a 'party' that they had turned out to be remarkably similar to a school disco that we used to grace at 14...and cringe worthy grinding was coming from the young locals....Bad had huge entertainment value though...

Next post will be more interesting...Guatemala where we actually did something!!!!

Over and Out
Vix and Han